Truth-telling and Healing

Isolation and trauma often go hand in hand, particularly with women. Historically, the human rights abuses aimed at women are considered shameful in most cultural settings and consequently, women often suffer in silence. One of the most powerful ways to break this cycle is through truth-telling projects that provide safe environments for women to come together and slowly and carefully begin to look at the violence faced, its personal effects, and its role in the conflict at large. Through art-based processes, memorialization projects and dialogue, the Coalition brings together hundreds of women each year in this way, providing them with avenues to confront their experiences on a personal level and then, when they’re ready, to share those experiences with others in similar situations - leading to collective healing and creating a strong foundation for a more peaceful future.
The Yazidi Memorial and Museum of Remembrance
Working with partners Nadia’s Initiative, Un Ponte Per, and local stakeholder groups, the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience is currently developing plans for a museum and memorial that recognizes the atrocities committed against the Yazidi people in Iraq since 2014 and shares the larger history of the Yazidi community.
Bangladesh-Rohingya Documentation Program
In February 2019, ICSC and partner organization AJAR conducted a workshop with six Rohingya women from Camp 13 who lead network sub-groups within the camps.
Sri Lanka: Transitional Justice Workshops and Trainings
Starting in 2017 and continuing into the present day, ICSC has worked to both improve and support local women’s leadership in Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice work in Sri Lanka.